Friday, October 22, 2010

Indonesia (2010)-Ubud and Nusa Peninda


We're in Bali!  We went straight to our hotel, the Komaneka Bisma. This is one of the pools. Rice paddies are below.
 Wandering around Ubud.  Bali is hindu (and animist) so there were temples and shrines everywhere. 
This guy is supposed to scare away the bad spirits.
 Offerings.  People make about 20 offerings everyday.  They leave them anywhere the good or bad spirits might be.  In front of their store, in the ocean to the god of the water, at temples.  It is beautiful seeing these!

 Another temple.  Each family builds their own temple to worship their family, and each village has two temples. One dedicated to the founders of the village and one dedicated to the spirits that protect the village.
 The entrance to Monkey  Forest Sanctuary.
So these guys have gotten super used to humans and are pretty aggressive.  They "expect" food since everyone buys bananas for them and when we entered carrying a plastic bag with a water bottle a monkey actually grabbed it and started shaking it around. OOPS-we left the plastic bag at the entrance.
 "Monkey Fountain"
 Our hotel room.
 View from our balcony.
 Lobby-yes. Was in love with the hotel! :)

 View of an old volcano. Gunun Bater, we are actually at the rim of the crater.
 Biking! . . .Sobek drove us up to the rim of the crater and than we just cruised downhill (mostly) back towards Ubud for a 4 hour scenic ride.
 Family temple
 Harvesting rice

 More pictures of our room! You see the reflection of the balcony in the mirror.

 Learning how to carve wood.
 We learned how to make offerings as well.

 Night time view
 A dance performance at Ubud Palace.
 Testing out the fish eating dead skin off your feet practice. It tickles!
 They are like leeches.
 Festival goers-they are all in the same village and are in traditional attire.
 On the way to Nusa Penida.
 Diving in Manta Point. And yes! We saw Manta's . . they were over 5 ft long.

 They circled us for awhile  . . . awesome.
 Crystal Bay

 Baby kittens.

 Breakfast-porridge soup.

 Kai got poached eggs with salmon and truffle oil.
 Village cooking.

 Gado Gado-that poopy thing is peanut sauce.  There are steamed veggies underneath and tempeh is on the bottom right hand side. Kinda like a salad.
 Nasi Campur-A dish served with lots of little dishes. chicken sate, spicy beans, a fried veggie thing, curry, fish sauce.
 We asked for breakfast on our balcony the last day. Awesome!

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