Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Indonesia (2010)-Manando and Ganga Island


From Toraja, we drove back to Makassar and flew an hour to the northern most tip of Sulawesi, Manando.  We got in pretty late but were psyched to be back in civilization so we decided to check out a club.

Pretty empty. But great cover band and watching this completely blasted dude take off his shirt and dance on stage was kinda fun.
 Arrival at Ganga Island! Paradise awaits!

 We heard alcohol was expensive here so byob! :)
 Each room gets their own beach area.

 The pool and ocean.
 Snorkeling pictures.

 Scuba Diving! This was our first site, a tiny island near ours.  We were told that an Australian owns the whole thing and is going to build a resort on it.
 Do you see the fish?

 Octopus . . .err, or my parents say it is some elephant thing.

 Baby sea turtles! One of the staff found these guys in the morning on the beach.  The plan is to keep them until they get a bit bigger and release them.  Right now they are easy prey for birds.

 Life everywhere!
 Sunset with our own watermelon concoctions.

 a sting ray.

That is a fish! He just lies in wait for something small to swim near his mouth and GULP

 Coral garden
 The family of finding nemo . . .
 A nudibranch!

 Chilling between dives.

 Our bungalow.


Pare Pare  lunch stop on the way to Makassar.

 Breakfast at the hotel Makassar.

Ganga Island Food
3 course meals for lunch and dinner. Awesome!

 An outdoor Indonesian buffet with live music was set up for us one of the nights.  dining under the stars!

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