Thursday, October 21, 2010

Indonesia (2010)-Jogyakarta

Jogyakarta is known as the cultural capital of Indonesia.  They are the only state still ruled by the Sultan who's family has been in power since 1755.

Mendut Temple

This is where Buddhist pilgrims come before they get to  Borobudur Temple.  There used to be a river around here where they wash and purify themselves.

Borobudur Temple

Created between 750-850 AD, Borobudur is made of two million stone blocks and represents the Buddhist belief in reincarnation.  The ground level is where people start out and the good people get reincarnated and reach higher levels (there are inscriptions on the walls that tell stories) on their way to nirvana. The whole thing looks like a giant stupa and there are 452 giant buddha scupltures all around it.

Kraton-Sultans Palace

The Sultan lives here and actually let's tourists inside his estate from 9-2 each day! This is Gamelan, Javanese traditional music being played by the sultans musicians.

Prambanan Temples

This is a huge Hindu complex built around 50 years after Borobudur. There are over 200 temples in this complex and this main one is dedicated to each of the forms that the main god takes, Shiva, Vishnu, and Brama.


Best bakso EVER!! This guy has been here for over a dozen years. He makes his own meatballs and his ingredients taste like quality.

Bakso is broth with noodles, some veggies, a fried wonton, a fried veggie fritter, and meatballs. $1 per bowl.
Lunch-that is an avacado shake. Probs the most calories you can pack into a drink. With chocolate syrup on the side. Rich and creamy . . .mmmm
the main shopping street . . .
DURIAN! I've had frozen before but this was more flavorful.  Like a creamy yogurty fruit? Don't get the hate for it.  Burping was gross though-like meat gone bad.
The local market.  A bunch of different potoatoes! These guys are TINY!

Green mangos

This was also a top street food. Steamed veggies with the best freshly made spicy peanut sauce . . .and 50 cents! Kai and I could barely finish one.
He mashes up the sauce, like peanuts, garlic, chilies, sugar  . . . .
The finished product.

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